Jemalloc 5.3.0这个版本在分层和概念与之前版本有不少出入,再加上之前研究的core_analyzer也能分析Jemalloc的page allocator,希望通过学习进一步加深理解。整个介绍会分成几篇,第一篇聚焦于用户层面的malloc以及Jemalloc的逻辑层。




当在用户空间执行malloc后,Jemalloc内部实际是有非常多层缓存的。缓存的引入,能够使malloc在每一层都有fast path和slow path,只有当fath path失败时,才会回退到slow path。多层缓存能够进一步减少对操作系统的直接内存申请,目前主流的malloc都是有多层缓存。

在Jemalloc中,一次malloc可能需要历经如下的层次tcache <- arena <- slab <- page allocator <- os


所有的数据都是通过page allocator向内核申请内存获取的,它作为物理层负责实际管理操作系统的内存page。page allocator是一个接口,目前有两种实现:

  • pac (page allocator classic)
  • hpa (huge page allocator):这里不要被命名所误导,所谓的huge是指它能够管理操作系统的huge page。

我们这一篇先来看逻辑层,后续再详细分析page allocator。


operator new
  -> newImpl
    -> imalloc_fastpath
      -> malloc_default
          -> imalloc
            -> imalloc_body
              -> imalloc_no_sample
                -> iallocztm
                  -> arena_malloc
                    -> tcache_alloc_small
                    -> tcache_alloc_large
                    -> arena_malloc_hard


void *arena_malloc(tsdn_t *tsdn,
                   arena_t *arena,
                   size_t size,
                   szind_t ind,
                   bool zero,
                   tcache_t *tcache,
                   bool slow_path) {
    assert(!tsdn_null(tsdn) || tcache == NULL);

    if (likely(tcache != NULL)) {
        if (likely(size <= SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS)) {
            return tcache_alloc_small(
                    tsdn_tsd(tsdn), arena, tcache, size, ind, zero, slow_path);
        if (likely(size <= tcache_maxclass)) {
            return tcache_alloc_large(
                    tsdn_tsd(tsdn), arena, tcache, size, ind, zero, slow_path);
        /* (size > tcache_maxclass) case falls through. */
        assert(size > tcache_maxclass);

    return arena_malloc_hard(tsdn, arena, size, ind, zero);

在我的环境下,SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS为14336,tcache_maxclass为32768。即大小在[0, 14336]为small,大小在[14337, 32768]为large,大于32K 的不会走tcache。对于small和large对象,都是统一通过page allocator向操作系统获取一个page或者huge page之后,将其按extent划分,最终赋给一个slab来进行分配和管理的。

size class & bin

和主流的malloc一样,jemalloc在分配内存时候是会有一些内存碎片的。比如malloc(10)时,实际会在jemalloc中会分配16个字节的内存。即用户指定的内存大小可能会被round up到一个稍大一点的size class。

不同size class的对象是由不同的slab负责分配的,但在前面的图中我们可以看到,slab处于逻辑层和物理层的交界处,用户的malloc是不会直接和slab打交道的。那么是如何管理用户不同大小的内存分配和slab之间的映射关系呢?

注意在Jemalloc 5.3.0中已经没有之前版本的huge class,只有small class和large class。

这里又会引入一个新的概念bin:每个线程都有一个固定大小的bin数组,当用户进行内存分配时,首先查表获取对应的size class大小,获取到在bin数组中的下标,然后就能通过数组找到对应的bin,最终就可以获取到bin中的slab进行内存分配。需要注意的是,逻辑层的tcache和arena中分别有不同的bin数据结构:tcache中是cache_bin_t,实际是个栈;arena中则是bin_t,通过其内部的链表和堆管理slab。二者也是一个缓存关系,优先使用tcache中的bin,分配失败则从arena中的bin进行reill。

求size class以及bin下标的代码如下:先根据用户传入的size,调用sz_size2index将下标保存到ind中,然后调用sz_index2size进行查表,根据下标获取对应size class保存到usize中。

注意不同环境下的size class是不同的,因此没有什么可比性

bool aligned_usize_get(size_t size,
                       size_t alignment,
                       size_t *usize,
                       szind_t *ind,
                       bool bump_empty_aligned_alloc) {
    assert(usize != NULL);
    if (alignment == 0) {
        if (ind != NULL) {
            *ind = sz_size2index(size);
            if (unlikely(*ind >= SC_NSIZES)) {
                return true;
            *usize = sz_index2size(*ind);
            assert(*usize > 0 && *usize <= SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS);
            return false;
        *usize = sz_s2u(size);
    } else {
        if (bump_empty_aligned_alloc && unlikely(size == 0)) {
            size = 1;
        *usize = sz_sa2u(size, alignment);
    if (unlikely(*usize == 0 || *usize > SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS)) {
        return true;
    return false;


  1. 根据申请大小,求出size class以及bin的下标
  2. tache根据下标找到对应cache bin,尝试使用cache bin进行内存分配,如果失败,回退到arena进行refill,可以理解为重新初始化一个tcache
  3. arena根据下标找到对应的bin,通过bin中的slab进行refill tcache,最终重新使用tcache进行内存分配

这里补充几点:small class对应bin下标更小。small class的bin下标对应范围是[0, SC_NBINS)SC_NBINS中的SC可能是small class的缩写,而 large class的bin下标范围是[SC_NBINS, nhbins)

接下来我们会结合代码详细解释不同size class的内存是如何分配的。


对于small class其主要逻辑是:

  1. 首先在线程对应的tcache中检查是否能分配,即cache_bin_alloc
  2. 如果tcache不能分配,需要让tcache从arena中进行补充:
    1. arena_choose选择对应的arena,这里是根据tsd,即thread specific data来进行选择的
    2. 如果tcache没有启用,直接退回到arena_malloc_hard
    3. 如果tcache启用,然后通过arena完成refill tcache,最后在tcache_alloc_small_hard中完成分配
void *tcache_alloc_small(tsd_t *tsd,
                         arena_t *arena,
                         tcache_t *tcache,
                         size_t size,
                         szind_t binind,
                         bool zero,
                         bool slow_path) {
    void *ret;
    bool tcache_success;

    assert(binind < SC_NBINS);
    cache_bin_t *bin = &tcache->bins[binind];
    ret = cache_bin_alloc(bin, &tcache_success);
    assert(tcache_success == (ret != NULL));
    if (unlikely(!tcache_success)) {
        bool tcache_hard_success;
        arena = arena_choose(tsd, arena);
        if (unlikely(arena == NULL)) {
            return NULL;
        if (unlikely(tcache_small_bin_disabled(binind, bin))) {
            /* stats and zero are handled directly by the arena. */
            return arena_malloc_hard(tsd_tsdn(tsd), arena, size, binind, zero);
                                 /* is_small */ true);

        ret = tcache_alloc_small_hard(
                tsd_tsdn(tsd), arena, tcache, bin, binind, &tcache_hard_success);
        if (tcache_hard_success == false) {
            return NULL;

    if (unlikely(zero)) {
        size_t usize = sz_index2size(binind);
        assert(tcache_salloc(tsd_tsdn(tsd), ret) == usize);
        memset(ret, 0, usize);
    if (config_stats) {
    return ret;



首先会尝试从tcache中分配,tcache是thread cache缩写,调用路径如下

  -> cache_bin_alloc
    -> cache_bin_alloc_impl


struct tcache_s {
    tcache_slow_t *tcache_slow;
    cache_bin_t bins[TCACHE_NBINS_MAX];


The cache_bins are the mechanism that the tcache and the arena use to communicate. The tcache fills from and flushes to the arena by passing a cache_bin_t to fill/flush.

 * Responsible for caching allocations associated with a single size.
 * Several pointers are used to track the stack.  To save on metadata bytes,
 * only the stack_head is a full sized pointer (which is dereferenced on the
 * fastpath), while the others store only the low 16 bits -- this is correct
 * because a single stack never takes more space than 2^16 bytes, and at the
 * same time only equality checks are performed on the low bits.
 * (low addr)                                                  (high addr)
 * |------stashed------|------available------|------cached-----|
 * ^                   ^                     ^                 ^
 * low_bound(derived)  low_bits_full         stack_head        low_bits_empty

typedef struct cache_bin_s cache_bin_t;
struct cache_bin_s {
    void **stack_head;
    cache_bin_stats_t tstats;
    uint16_t low_bits_low_water;
    uint16_t low_bits_full;
    uint16_t low_bits_empty;

cache_bin_s维护同一大小的若干对象,本质上是一个有容量大小限制的栈,[low_bits_full, low_bits_empty)范围内的地址是合法地址。

  • 栈为空时,stack_head指向low_bits_empty
  • 分配对象时,stack_headlow_bits_full的方向移动
  • 当栈非空时,stack_head指向地址最低的一个对象地址

上面代码注释里的low addr和high addr疑似有问题,代码中我看stack_head分配时是往高地址方向移动,而free时则是往低地址移动。


// alloc
void* cache_bin_alloc_impl(cache_bin_t *bin, bool *success, bool adjust_low_water) {
     * success (instead of ret) should be checked upon the return of this
     * function.  We avoid checking (ret == NULL) because there is never a
     * null stored on the avail stack (which is unknown to the compiler),
     * and eagerly checking ret would cause pipeline stall (waiting for the
     * cacheline).

     * This may read from the empty position; however the loaded value won't
     * be used.  It's safe because the stack has one more slot reserved.
    void *ret = *bin->stack_head;
    uint16_t low_bits = (uint16_t)(uintptr_t)bin->stack_head;
    void **new_head = bin->stack_head + 1;

     * Note that the low water mark is at most empty; if we pass this check,
     * we know we're non-empty.
    if (likely(low_bits != bin->low_bits_low_water)) {
        bin->stack_head = new_head;
        *success = true;
        return ret;
    if (!adjust_low_water) {
        *success = false;
        return NULL;
     * In the fast-path case where we call alloc_easy and then alloc, the
     * previous checking and computation is optimized away -- we didn't
     * actually commit any of our operations.
    if (likely(low_bits != bin->low_bits_empty)) {
        bin->stack_head = new_head;
        bin->low_bits_low_water = (uint16_t)(uintptr_t)new_head;
        *success = true;
        return ret;
    *success = false;
    return NULL;

// dealloc
bool cache_bin_dalloc_easy(cache_bin_t* bin, void* ptr) {
    if (unlikely(cache_bin_full(bin))) {
        return false;

    *bin->stack_head = ptr;
    cache_bin_assert_earlier(bin, bin->low_bits_full, (uint16_t)(uintptr_t)bin->stack_head);

    return true;

refill tcache


  -> tcache_alloc_small_hard
    -> arena_cache_bin_fill_small
    -> cache_bin_alloc


  1. cache_bin_info_ncached_max计算需要refill多少内存nfill
  2. 调用arena_cache_bin_fill_small,从arena中refill tcache
  3. 此时cache_bin已经重新生效,重新调用cache_bin_alloc进行内存分配 (第一次调用cache_bin_alloc是在tcache_alloc_small中)
void *tcache_alloc_small_hard(tsdn_t *tsdn,
                              arena_t *arena,
                              tcache_t *tcache,
                              cache_bin_t *cache_bin,
                              szind_t binind,
                              bool *tcache_success) {
    tcache_slow_t *tcache_slow = tcache->tcache_slow;
    void *ret;

    assert(tcache_slow->arena != NULL);
    unsigned nfill = cache_bin_info_ncached_max(&tcache_bin_info[binind]) >>
    arena_cache_bin_fill_small(tsdn, arena, cache_bin, &tcache_bin_info[binind], binind, nfill);
    tcache_slow->bin_refilled[binind] = true;

    ret = cache_bin_alloc(cache_bin, tcache_success);

    return ret;


  1. tsdn: thread specific data
  2. arena: 从哪个arena补充
  3. tcache: 对应哪个tcache
  4. cache_bin: 对应tcache中的某个cache_bin
  5. binind: 是bin的索引,用于从tcache_bin_info中获取对应的bin_info
  6. tcache_success: 用于返回是否成功


small allocation最复杂的一步就是从arena refill tcache。首先会在arena_bin_choose中获取arena对应的bin,然后从bin中refill到tcache中。bin的数据结构如下:

在Jemalloc 5.3.0中,slab或者extent对应代码中的edata,指bin中用于分配相同大小对象的一个数据结构。

typedef struct bin_s bin_t;
struct bin_s {
    malloc_mutex_t lock;
    bin_stats_t stats;
     * Current slab being used to service allocations of this bin's size
     * class.  slabcur is independent of slabs_{nonfull,full}; whenever
     * slabcur is reassigned, the previous slab must be deallocated or
     * inserted into slabs_{nonfull,full}.
    edata_t *slabcur;
    edata_heap_t slabs_nonfull;
    edata_list_active_t slabs_full;
  • slabcur指向当前用来分配内存的slab
  • slabs_nonfull是一个最小堆,每次slabcur分配失败时,就会将slabcur保存到slabs_full中,并从slabs_nonfull中取地址最低的slab用于后续分配
  • slabs_full则用于保存所有已经分配满的slab




  1. 先尝试使用slabcur进行refill。(arena_slab_reg_alloc_batch)
  2. 如果slabcur空间不够,则需要从slabs_nonfull中取一个slab,并设置为slabcur 。(arena_bin_refill_slabcur_no_fresh_slab)
  3. 如果slabs_nonfull也为空,此时需要分配一个新的slab,保存到fresh_slab中。(arena_bin_refill_slabcur_with_fresh_slab)
  4. 如果fresh_slab不为空,代表之前分配过一个新的slab,将fresh_slab设置为slabcur,并从这个新分配的slab中refill。(arena_slab_alloc)
  • slabs_nonfull最小堆中获取一个空的slab,然后设置为slabcur的代码实现如下

      static bool arena_bin_refill_slabcur_no_fresh_slab(tsdn_t *tsdn, arena_t *arena, bin_t *bin) {
          malloc_mutex_assert_owner(tsdn, &bin->lock);
          /* Only called after arena_slab_reg_alloc[_batch] failed. */
          assert(bin->slabcur == NULL || edata_nfree_get(bin->slabcur) == 0);
          if (bin->slabcur != NULL) {
              arena_bin_slabs_full_insert(arena, bin, bin->slabcur);
          /* Look for a usable slab. */
          bin->slabcur = arena_bin_slabs_nonfull_tryget(bin);
          assert(bin->slabcur == NULL || edata_nfree_get(bin->slabcur) > 0);
          return (bin->slabcur == NULL);
      static edata_t *arena_bin_slabs_nonfull_tryget(bin_t *bin) {
          edata_t *slab = edata_heap_remove_first(&bin->slabs_nonfull);
          if (slab == NULL) {
              return NULL;
          if (config_stats) {
          return slab;
  • 分配一个新的slab的代码如下,最终调用pa_alloc。pa 是page allocator的缩写,对应代码在pa.h中,这部分我们在下一篇文章再展开。

      static edata_t *arena_slab_alloc(tsdn_t *tsdn,
                                       arena_t *arena,
                                       szind_t binind,
                                       unsigned binshard,
                                       const bin_info_t *bin_info) {
          bool deferred_work_generated = false;
          witness_assert_depth_to_rank(tsdn_witness_tsdp_get(tsdn), WITNESS_RANK_CORE, 0);
          bool guarded = san_slab_extent_decide_guard(tsdn, arena_get_ehooks(arena));
          edata_t *slab = pa_alloc(tsdn,
                                   /* alignment */ PAGE,
                                   /* slab */ true,
                                   /* szind */ binind,
                                   /* zero */ false,
          if (deferred_work_generated) {
              arena_handle_deferred_work(tsdn, arena);
          if (slab == NULL) {
              return NULL;
          /* Initialize slab internals. */
          slab_data_t *slab_data = edata_slab_data_get(slab);
          edata_nfree_binshard_set(slab, bin_info->nregs, binshard);
          bitmap_init(slab_data->bitmap, &bin_info->bitmap_info, false);
          return slab;
  • 从新分配的fresh_slab中refill的相关代码如下

      static void arena_bin_refill_slabcur_with_fresh_slab(
              tsdn_t *tsdn, arena_t *arena, bin_t *bin, szind_t binind, edata_t *fresh_slab) {
          malloc_mutex_assert_owner(tsdn, &bin->lock);
          /* Only called after slabcur and nonfull both failed. */
          assert(bin->slabcur == NULL);
          assert(edata_heap_first(&bin->slabs_nonfull) == NULL);
          assert(fresh_slab != NULL);
          /* A new slab from arena_slab_alloc() */
          assert(edata_nfree_get(fresh_slab) == bin_infos[binind].nregs);
          if (config_stats) {
          bin->slabcur = fresh_slab;


large class流程和tcache_alloc_small非常类似

  1. 首先在线程对应的tcache中检查是否能分配,即cache_bin_alloc
  2. 如果tcache不能分配,需要让tcache从arena中进行补充:
    1. arena_choose选择对应的arena
    2. 然后通过arena完成refill tcache,最后在large_malloc中分配

前面的部分和small class完全相同,我们只看large_malloc的逻辑:

void *large_malloc(tsdn_t *tsdn, arena_t *arena, size_t usize, bool zero) {
    assert(usize == sz_s2u(usize));

    return large_palloc(tsdn, arena, usize, CACHELINE, zero);

void *large_palloc(tsdn_t *tsdn, arena_t *arena, size_t usize, size_t alignment, bool zero) {
    size_t ausize;
    edata_t *edata;
    UNUSED bool idump JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(false);

    assert(!tsdn_null(tsdn) || arena != NULL);

    ausize = sz_sa2u(usize, alignment);
    if (unlikely(ausize == 0 || ausize > SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS)) {
        return NULL;

    if (likely(!tsdn_null(tsdn))) {
        arena = arena_choose_maybe_huge(tsdn_tsd(tsdn), arena, usize);
    if (unlikely(arena == NULL) ||
        (edata = arena_extent_alloc_large(tsdn, arena, usize, alignment, zero)) == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    /* See comments in arena_bin_slabs_full_insert(). */
    if (!arena_is_auto(arena)) {
        /* Insert edata into large. */
        malloc_mutex_lock(tsdn, &arena->large_mtx);
        edata_list_active_append(&arena->large, edata);
        malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &arena->large_mtx);

    arena_decay_tick(tsdn, arena);
    return edata_addr_get(edata);
  1. arena_choose_maybe_huge中挑选arena
  2. 通过arena来获取一个edata,实际上也是在arena_extent_alloc_large中调用了pa_alloc
  3. 保存edata,注意对于small class会将获取的edata赋值给bin中的slabcur,而对large class则是调用edata_list_active_append,将这个edata添加到arena的large这个链表中。

所以对于large class来说,每个arena中只有一个edata链表用来保存large class对象,其余部分和small class基本相同。



void *arena_malloc_hard(tsdn_t *tsdn, arena_t *arena, size_t size, szind_t ind, bool zero) {
    assert(!tsdn_null(tsdn) || arena != NULL);

    if (likely(!tsdn_null(tsdn))) {
        arena = arena_choose_maybe_huge(tsdn_tsd(tsdn), arena, size);
    if (unlikely(arena == NULL)) {
        return NULL;

    if (likely(size <= SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS)) {
        return arena_malloc_small(tsdn, arena, ind, zero);
    return large_malloc(tsdn, arena, sz_index2size(ind), zero);
  1. 首先在arena_choose_maybe_huge中挑选arena
  2. 如果分配内存小于SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS,调用arena_malloc_small进行分配,这一步和和arena refill tcache的流程有些类似
    1. 首先在arena_bin_choose中获取arena对应的bin
    2. 然后在arena_bin_malloc_no_fresh_slab中设置bin中的slabcur
    3. 最终在arena_bin_malloc_with_fresh_slab通过slabcur进行内存分配
  3. 否则调用large_malloc (和large class中的流程,不再重复介绍)
static void *arena_malloc_small(tsdn_t *tsdn, arena_t *arena, szind_t binind, bool zero) {
    assert(binind < SC_NBINS);
    const bin_info_t *bin_info = &bin_infos[binind];
    size_t usize = sz_index2size(binind);
    unsigned binshard;
    bin_t *bin = arena_bin_choose(tsdn, arena, binind, &binshard);

    malloc_mutex_lock(tsdn, &bin->lock);
    edata_t *fresh_slab = NULL;
    void *ret = arena_bin_malloc_no_fresh_slab(tsdn, arena, bin, binind);
    if (ret == NULL) {
        malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &bin->lock);
        fresh_slab = arena_slab_alloc(tsdn, arena, binind, binshard, bin_info);
        malloc_mutex_lock(tsdn, &bin->lock);
        /* Retry since the lock was dropped. */
        ret = arena_bin_malloc_no_fresh_slab(tsdn, arena, bin, binind);
        if (ret == NULL) {
            if (fresh_slab == NULL) {
                /* OOM */
                malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &bin->lock);
                return NULL;
            ret = arena_bin_malloc_with_fresh_slab(tsdn, arena, bin, binind, fresh_slab);
            fresh_slab = NULL;
    if (config_stats) {
    malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &bin->lock);

    if (fresh_slab != NULL) {
        arena_slab_dalloc(tsdn, arena, fresh_slab);
    if (zero) {
        memset(ret, 0, usize);
    arena_decay_tick(tsdn, arena);

    return ret;



jemalloc 5.3.0 深山老宅的博客

jemalloc 5.3.0 源码总结


