什么是Initializer Lists?

初始化列表(Initializer Lists)是啥?

List-initialization can be used

  • as the initializer in a variable definition
  • as the initializer in a new-expression
  • in a return statement
  • as a for-range-initializer
  • as a function argument
  • as a subscript
int a={1};
std::complex<double> z{1,2};
new std::vector<std::string>{"once","upon","a","time"};   // 4 string elements
f({"Nicholas","Annemarie"});                              // pass list of two elements to a funcion
return { "Norah" };                                       // return list of one element
int* e{};                                                 // initialization to zero / null pointer
x = double{1};                                            // explicitly construct a double
std::map<std::string,int> anim = { {"bear",4},{"cassowary",2},{"tiger",7} };


// Creates a vector of 2 integers of value 2.
std::vector<int> vec(2,2);

// Creates a vector of 3 integers of value 3.
std::vector<int> vec(3,3);

// Creates a vector of 2 integers of value 3. By calling:
// std::vector<int>(std::initializer_list<int>)
std::vector<int> vec{3,3};



// Vector of 2 shared_ptr objects, using C++17’s class template type deduction.
std::vector vec{std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};

// Failed to compile, because unique_ptr is not copyable
std::vector vec{std::make_unique<int>(1), std::make_unique<int>(2)};

Initializer Lists到底在干啥?

The usage of Initializer Lists that results in an std::initializer_list object

实际上使用初始化列表就会生成一个std::initializer_list对象,比如: 一个E类型的初始化列表就会构造一个std::initializer_list<E>对象,这个对象实际上是一个prvalue类型的数组,数组中有N个const E,其中N是初始化列表中的元素个数。


An object of type std::initializer_list<E> is constructed from an initializer list as if the implementation generated and materialized a prvalue of type “array of N const E”, where N is the number of elements in the initializer list. Each element of that array is copy-initialized with the corresponding element of the initializer list, and the std::initializer_list<E> object is constructed to refer to that array.

struct X {
  X(std::initializer_list<double> v);
X x{ 1,2,3 };


// 构造数组
const double __a[3] = {double{1}, double{2}, double{3}};
// std::initializer_list<double>对象指向那个数组,用这个std::initializer_list<double>来构造X
X x(std::initializer_list<double>(__a, __a + 3));

assuming that the implementation can construct an initializer_list object with a pair of pointers.



#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::vector vec{std::make_unique<int>(1), std::make_unique<int>(2)};
    return 0;


// 构造数组
const std::unique_ptr<int> __a[] = {std::make_unique<int>(1), std::make_unique<int>(2)};
// std::initializer_list<unique_ptr<int>>对象指向那个数组,用这个std::initializer_list<unique_ptr<int>>来构造vec
std::vector vec(std::initializer_list<std::unique_ptr<int>>(__a, __a + 2));

在clang编译报错如下(报错里的__a是编译器中的,而不是等价代码中的),可以看到实际在__a上构造中的元素时,实际是调用了placement new

::new ((void*)__p) _Up(_VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);

而传入的__argsconst std::unique_ptr<int> &类型,构造_Up要调用复制构造,而unique_ptr没有复制构造,就报错了。

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/memory:916:28: error: call to implicitly-deleted copy constructor of 'std::unique_ptr<int>'
        ::new ((void*)__p) _Up(_VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
                           ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/__memory/allocator_traits.h:288:13: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<int>>::construct<std::unique_ptr<int>, const std::unique_ptr<int> &>' requested here
        __a.construct(__p, _VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/memory:1047:18: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<int>>>::construct<std::unique_ptr<int>, const std::unique_ptr<int> &, void>' requested here
        _Traits::construct(__a, _VSTD::__to_address(__begin2), *__begin1);
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/vector:1077:12: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::__construct_range_forward<std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<int>>, const std::unique_ptr<int> *, std::unique_ptr<int> *>' requested here
    _VSTD::__construct_range_forward(this->__alloc(), __first, __last, __tx.__pos_);
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/vector:1335:9: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>::__construct_at_end<const std::unique_ptr<int> *>' requested here
        __construct_at_end(__il.begin(), __il.end(), __il.size());
test.cpp:5:17: note: in instantiation of member function 'std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>::vector' requested here
    std::vector vec{std::make_unique<int>(1), std::make_unique<int>(2)};
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/memory:1584:3: note: copy constructor is implicitly deleted because 'unique_ptr<int>' has a user-declared move constructor
  unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& __u) _NOEXCEPT


In file included from /home/insights/insights.cpp:2:
In file included from /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/vector:65:
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/bits/stl_construct.h:109:38: error: call to deleted constructor of 'std::unique_ptr<int>'
    { ::new(static_cast<void*>(__p)) _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
                                     ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:92:8: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::_Construct<std::unique_ptr<int>, const std::unique_ptr<int> &>' requested here
                std::_Construct(std::__addressof(*__cur), *__first);
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:151:2: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::__uninitialized_copy<false>::__uninit_copy<const std::unique_ptr<int> *, std::unique_ptr<int> *>' requested here
        __uninit_copy(__first, __last, __result);
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:333:19: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::uninitialized_copy<const std::unique_ptr<int> *, std::unique_ptr<int> *>' requested here
    { return std::uninitialized_copy(__first, __last, __result); }
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/bits/stl_vector.h:1585:11: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::__uninitialized_copy_a<const std::unique_ptr<int> *, std::unique_ptr<int> *, std::unique_ptr<int>>' requested here
            std::__uninitialized_copy_a(__first, __last,
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../include/c++/11/bits/stl_vector.h:629:2: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>::_M_range_initialize<const std::unique_ptr<int> *>' requested here
        _M_range_initialize(__l.begin(), __l.end(),
/home/insights/insights.cpp:6:36: note: in instantiation of member function 'std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>::vector' requested here
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> vec{ std::make_unique<int>(1), std::make_unique<int>(2)};




#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>

auto f(int i, int j, int k) {
    return std::initializer_list<int>{i, j, k};

int main(int argc, const char *[]) {
    for (int i : f(argc + 1, argc + 2, argc + 3)) {
        std::cout << i << ',';


我的环境中打印的是 2,42037796,738197505,%


根据上面的总结,在f函数中返回了一个std::initializer_list<int>,我们知道std::initializer_list<int>指向一个数组,数组长度为3,其中的元素为i, j, k。问题关键来了,这个数组在出f的作用域时,已经释放了,而此时std::initializer_list<int>还指向那个数组,所以打印啥都不足为奇了。


test.cpp:5:38: warning: returning address of local temporary object [-Wreturn-stack-address]
    return std::initializer_list<int>{i, j, k};
1 warning generated.


到这里我们已经明白了使用初始化列表来进行构造时候会发生的事,我们以std::vector vec{std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};为例

  1. 创建一个const T类型的数组,并使用初始化列表中的元素来初始化这个数组

const std::shared_ptr<int> __a[] = {std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};

  1. 创建一个std::initializer_list对象,这个对象指向上面的数组

std::initializer_list<std::shared_ptr<int>> __temp(__a, __a + 2);

  1. 使用这个std::initializer_list对象通过vector的复制构造,完成真正的构造

std::vector vec(__temp);

An initializer_list<T> is passed by value. That is required by the overload resolution rules and does not impose overhead because an initializer_list<T> object is just a small handle (typically two words) to an array of T.


The underlying array is a temporary array of type const T[N], in which each element is copy-initialized (except that narrowing conversions are invalid) from the corresponding element of the original initializer list. The lifetime of the underlying array is the same as any other temporary object, except that initializing an initializer_list object from the array extends the lifetime of the array exactly like binding a reference to a temporary (with the same exceptions, such as for initializing a non-static class member). The underlying array may be allocated in read-only memory.


vector(std::initializer_list<T> init, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator());



int main() {
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<int>> vec{std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};

  // 等价于如下代码
  // const std::shared_ptr<int> __a[] = {std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};
  // std::vector vec(std::initializer_list<std::shared_ptr<int>>(__a, __a + 2));

https://cppinsights.io/中我们可以看到上面的代码实际被转换成如下代码 vector中实际构造了4个shared_ptr

int main() {
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<int>> vec =
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<int>, std::allocator<std::shared_ptr<int>>>
            std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)

两个是在构造initializer_list时构造的 另外两个则是在调用vector的复制构造时构造的


  • 1 vector allocation
  • 2 constructions
  • 2 copy constructors
  • 1 vector deallocation
  • 4 destructions

换一个写法 又有多少次呢?

int main() {
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<int>> vec;


  • 1 vector allocation
  • 1 construction
  • 1 move
  • 1 destruction


  • 1 vector reallocation
  • 1 construction
  • 2 moves
  • 2 destructions (moved from objects)


  • 1 vector deallocation
  • 2 destructions


initialzer_list emplace_back
1 vector allocation 1 vector allocation
2 constructions 2 constructions
2 copies 3 moves
4 destructions 5 destructions
1 vector deallocation 1 vector deallocation
  1 vector reallocation



#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

int main() {
    std::array<std::shared_ptr<int>, 2> data{std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};


template<typename T, std::size_t Size>
struct array
  T data[Size];

我们先看下这个List initialization,它的所有语法规则如下

  T object { arg1, arg2, ... };                 (1)
  T { arg1, arg2, ... }                         (2)
  new T { arg1, arg2, ... }                     (3)
  Class { T member { arg1, arg2, ... }; };      (4)
  Class::Class() : member{arg1, arg2, ...} {...	(5)

  T object = {arg1, arg2, ...};	                (6)
  function( { arg1, arg2, ... } )	            (7)
  return { arg1, arg2, ... };                   (8)
  object[ { arg1, arg2, ... } ]               	(9)
  object = { arg1, arg2, ... }                  (10)
  U( { arg1, arg2, ... } )                      (11)
  Class { T member = { arg1, arg2, ... }; };    (12)


Otherwise, if T is an aggregate type, aggregate initialization is performed.

再看一眼Aggregate initialization的说明

Aggregate initialization initializes aggregates. It is a form of list-initialization (since C++11) or direct initialization (since C++20) An aggregate is one of the following types:

  • array type
  • class type (typically, struct or union), that has
    • no private or protected direct (since C++17)non-static data members
    • no user-declared constructors (until C++11)
    • no user-provided constructors (explicitly defaulted or deleted constructors are allowed) (since C++11) (until C++17)
    • no user-provided, inherited, or explicit constructors (explicitly defaulted or deleted constructors are allowed) (since C++17) (until C++20)
    • no user-declared or inherited constructors (since C++20)
    • no virtual, private, or protected (since C++17) base classes
    • no virtual member functions
    • no default member initializers (since C++11) (until C++14)

所以std::array<std::shared_ptr<int>, 2> data{std::make_shared<int>(1), std::make_shared<int>(2)};中,由于std::array实际是个aggregate类型,所以走的是Aggregate initialization



